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Chronic Pain & Symptoms


Pain Science

Our understanding of chronic pain and symptoms has seen significant shifts in recent years.  What the latest pain science is telling us is that upwards of 85% of chronic pain is caused by misfiring neural circuits in the brain, rather than structural issues in the body. Similar to how we can build new neural pathways to learn new skills like riding a bike, we can develop new neural pathways to reverse or significantly decrease many chronic symptoms, which we refer to as  “neuroplastic.” If you’ve been told that you will have to live with your symptoms forever, for many conditions – this is simply not true! You're not doomed to merely manage your symptoms; you have the potential to thrive.

It’s more than Just “Pain”

The approaches that I use for chronic pain have equal success with many other mental and physical symptoms such as dizziness, IBS, migraines, chronic fatigue, long covid, anxiety, depression and more. I have extensive experience with all types of neuroplastic symptoms, with a specialty in working with those experiencing dizziness (diagnosis of MDDS, Vestibular Migraines, PPPD, etc.). If you want to dive deeper into the research, see more extensive lists of symptoms, and learn common indicators that your symptoms could be neuroplastic, the resources below will help.

Women & Pain

In the healthcare field, women often find their experiences overlooked or invalidated, a reality that is even more pronounced, and deadly, for women of color.  I want to emphasize that suggesting your neuroplastic pain or symptoms are reversible is not implying that your pain is unreal or “all in your head.” Your pain, discomfort, and distress are very real. Rather, the mind-body approach takes a deeper dive into the biopsychosocial causes of discomfort and pain in your body. Healing is rarely straightforward, so my aim is to balance instilling confidence in your healing potential, welcoming your doubts during our sessions, and ultimately supporting your exploration of what healing looks like for your unique mind and body.

When I was dealing with my debilitating symptoms, I hated the moment a physical therapist diagnosed my pain as “chronic.”
I hated the idea that my life would be forever altered due to my pain. If you don’t like the word either, let’s not use it!

Your pain or symptoms may be persistent, but they do not need to be permanent.



Psychophysiologic Disorders Association:

A website describing the science behind mind-body disorders with many more resources listed on the site. 

A Way Out:

An easy-to-read book written by PRT creator Alan Gordon shares his story and approach to chronic pain.

Pain Reprocessing Therapy

A website describing the method and efficacy of Pain Reprocessing Therapy.


TMS Wiki:

A self-guided pain recovery program made by the creator of PRT.


An app that utilizes PRT, among other chronic pain interventions, to help you recover from pain.

Unlearn Your Pain

A guided program to unlearn your mind-body symptoms, includes book and audio meditations.


Podcasts that are great for listening to recovery stories, expert advice, and research behind mind-body methods.


Like Mind Like Body

Tell Me About Your Pain

This practice is a safe place for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, racial identities, and cultural backgrounds.

 LCSW #118551

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